"So that in everything you do, God may be glorified through Jesus Christ"
These are originally the words of the Apostle Saint Peter on the conduct of Christians. They were later chosen as the motto of the Benedictines. They sound like a program that we too can make our own and which is the one assigned to the mission of Saint Benedict. Our Catholic mission is led by Father Guillaume Hecquard and is based in Varennes 37600 in the Centre-Val de Loire region. May we, with God's help, imbue ourselves with this spirit and lead our lives "so that in all things God be glorified”.
The Vignemont project is a complete cultural and religious project with different aspects: it includes the restoration of a historic chapel in Loches in Touraine to return it to Catholic worship, the creation of a medieval garden open to the public and a reception center for spiritual and cultural activities.
The Chapel of the Sacred Heart is located in Varennes, 37600 where mass is celebrated daily.
The Refuge Saint-Joseph is located in Sains, near Mont Saint-Michel where Father celebrates mass when he is in Brittany.
The Chapel is in the process of being repaire. It is planned to celebrate mass there too. The works are in progress and we hope that the Chapel will be operational soon.
The donations go to the "Association cultuelle de la Chapelle Notre-Dame de Vignemont", the structure carrying the apostolate project of the Saint-Benoît Mission. The association is authorized to receive tax-exempt donations and legacies.
(For payments on Paypal specify "Send money to a relative")